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  1. Noor Zairin, Gatam L, Tobing SDAL, Soedarsono R, Sapardan Subroto : Anterior Screw Fixation in odontoid fracture. A Case report, Journal of the Indonesian orthopaedic Association,. Vol 26, NO. 1/6. 1998 : 75-77. ISSN : 0216 – 7255
  2. Noor Zairin, Soedarsono, Tobing SDAL, Sapardan Subroto : Penyakit Degenerative vertebra Lumbal operatif atau non operatif (Instrumentasi atau non Instrumentasi). Journal of Indonesian orthopaedic Association. Vol XXVI, NO.2. December 1998, ISSN 0216 – 7255.
  3. Noor Zairin : Spondilitis Tuberkulosa, Tinjauan multidisiplin Tuberkulosis, edisi satu, 2001, hal 158 – 162 .
  4. Noor Zairin : Tuberkulosis Tulang dan Sendi, Tinjauan multidisiplin Tuberkulosis, edisi satu, 2001, hal 164 – 173.
  5. Noor Zairin, Pra Dhani D, Purnamasidi A : Pemasangan Implant Dinamis-Interspinosus Setelah tindakan Dekompresi pada Kasus Stenosis Lumbal Degeneratif di Banjarmasin-Kalsel. Journal of The Indonesian Orthopaedic Association. Vol.XXXVII No.1/Juni 2009 : 1 – 4. ISSN : 0216-7255.
  6. Zairin Noor, Sutiman B Sumitro, Moh.Hidayat, Agus Hadian Rahim, Ahmad taufiq : Assesment of microarchitecture and crystal structure of hydroxyapatite in osteoporosis. Universa medicina journal, January-April 2011, Vol.30-No.1, hal:29-35. ISSN 1907 3062
  7. Zairin Noor, Moh.Hidayat, Agus Hadian Rahim, Sutiman B. Sumitro. Bone Microstructure and Atomic Periodic Disharmonization in Osteoporosis. Universa Medicina Journal, May-August 2012, Vol.31 No.2. Page 96-104. 1907 3062
  8. Zairin Noor, Sutiman B Sumitro, Moh. Hidayat, Agus Hadian Rahim. “Mesostruktur dan Karakteristik Atom Mineral pada Fenomena Osteoporosis”. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia. J Indon Med Assoc, Volum: 62, Nomor: 10, Oktober 2012. Hal: 391-396. ISSN: 0377-1121
  9. Zairin Noor, Sutiman B Sumitro, Mohammad Hidayat, Agus Hadian Rahim. “Karakteristik Atom Mineral pada Osteoporosis dengan Arsitektur Porosis dan Nonporosis”, Majalah Kedokteran Bandung, (Bandung Medical Journal). Volume 45 No.1 Tahun 2013. ISSN 0126-074X





  1. Noor, S.B.Sumitro : How correlation between micro/nano structure and with atomic configuration in Indonesian osteoporosis phenomenon. Osteoporosis International with other metabolic bone disease, Vol:21 Suppl.5 December 2010, Page:729-730.(IOF Singapore, 2010)
  2. Zairin Noor, Sutiman Sumitro, Mohammad Hidayat, Agus Rahim, Ahmad Taufiq : Microstructure and Hydroxyapaite Crystal on Indonesian Osteoporosis Phenomenon. Osteoporosis International with other metabolic bone disease, Vol:22 Suppl.1 March 2011, Page:266. (IOF Valencia-Spain, 2011)
  3. Noor, S.B. Sumitro, M.Hidayat, A.H Rahim, A. Sabarudin, T.Umemura : Bone Strength and Atomic Mineral Characters in Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International with other metabolic bone diseases, Vol.22 Suppl 4 september 2011. Page : 572-573. (IOF Australia 2011)
  4. Noor, B.Setiawan. “Effect of Subchronic Coal Dust Exposure on Microstructure and Atomic Mineral Profile in Head Femoral Rats“. Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 23 Supp 2 March 2012. Page : S376. (IOF Bordeaux, France 2012)
  5. Noor, B.Setiawan. “Ovariectomized Decrease Serum Bone Turnover Markers But Not Change The Ratio of Bone Mineral Elements in Rats“. Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 23 Supp 7 Desember 2012. Page : S804. (IOF Kuala Lumpur 2012)
  6. Noor, M. Hidayat., A.H.Rahim., S.B.Sumitro. “Mesostructure and Atomic Mineral Composition in Osteoporosis“. Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 23 Supp 7 Desember 2012. Page : S804. (IOF Kuala Lumpur 2012)
  7. Setiawan, Z. Noor “The Effect of Acute and Subchronic Inhalation Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) of Coal Dust in Femur Mineral Element of Rats“. Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 23 Supp 7 Desember 2012. Page : S805. (IOF Kuala Lumpur 2012)
  8. 8. Zairin Noor, Sutiman Sumitro, Mohammad Hidayat, Agus Rahim, Akhmad Sabaruddin, Tomonari umermura. “Atomic Mineral Characteristics of Indonesian Osteoporosis by High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectometry”.The Scientific World Journal. Volume 2012, Article ID 372972, 6 Pages. 1537-744X. Received : 31 Oct 2011. Accepted:25 Des 2011. (http:dx.doi.org/ 10.1100/2012/372972) (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/2012/372972/)
  9. 9.  Zairin Noor, Bambang Setiawan. “Combined inhalation of cigarette smoke and coal dust particulate matter 10 increas bone iron level in rat“. Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine. Published online: 22 November 2012. J Exp Integr Med 2013; 0(0):0-0. ISSN:1309-4527. (scopemed.org / www.jeim.org)
  10.   1 Zairin Noor, Bambang Setiawan., Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Cinnamon on Bone Turnover and Mineral Elements in Osteoporosis Rats (P498), Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 01 April 2013. Page : S271. (IOF Rome, Italy 2013)
  11. 11. Zairin Noor, Izaak Z.Akbar, Nia Kania, Dian Nugrahenny, Frans Tony, Bambang Setiawan. Effect of Red Seaweed on Bone Properties of Male Rats Exposed to Chronic Coal Dust (P499). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 01 April 2013. Page : S271. (IOF Rome, Italy 2013)
  12. Bambang Setiawan, Zairin Noor. Effect of Chronic Coal Dust Exposure on Bone Properties: An Involvement of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress. (P502). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 01 April 2013. Page : S272-S273 (IOF Rome, Italy 2013)
  13. 13. Zairin Noor, Bambang Setiawan. Subchronic inhalation of coal dust particulate matter 10 changes bone mesostructure, mineral element levels and turnover markers in rats. Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine. Published online: 29 March 2013. J Exp Integr Med 2013; 3(2):153-158. ISSN:1309-4527. (www.scopemed.org / jeim.org)
  14. Zairin Noor. Nanohydroxyapathite Application in Osteoporosis Management. Journal of Osteoporosis. Volume 2013, Article ID 679025, 6 pages. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Published Online: 28 Oct 2013; Received 22 July 2013; Accepted 8 September 2013. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/679025) / http://www.hindawi.com/journals/josteo/aip/679025/
  15. Zairin Noor, Nia Kania, Bambang Setiawan, Nicolaas C Budhiparama. Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Cinnamon on Mineral Elements and Mesostructure of Osteoporosis Rats (P221). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 4 December 2013. Page : S603-S604 (IOF Hongkong, 12-15 December 2013)
  16. Zairin Noor, Nia Kania, Bambang Setiawan, Nicolaas C Budhiparama. Tibia Mineral element and Mesostructure at Different Time Course of Ovariectomized Rats (P301). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 4 December 2013. Page : S643-S644 (IOF Hongkong, 12-15 December 2013)
  17. Nia Kania, Zairin Noor, Bambang Setiawan, Nicolaas C Budhiparama. Combined Inhalation of Cigarette Smoke and Low and High Dose of Coal Dust Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) on Bone Histology and Mineral Elements in Rats (P292). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 4 December 2013. Page : S639 (IOF Hongkong, 12-15 December 2013)
  18.    Bambang Setiawan, Zairin Noor, Nia Kania,  Nicolaas C Budhiparama. The Effects of  Combined Particulate Matter 10 Coal Dust Exposure and High-Cholesterol Diet on Femur Mineral Elements in Rats. (P302). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 4 December 2013. Page : S644 (IOF Hongkong, 12-15 December 2013)
  19. Zairin Noor, Nia Kania, Bambang Setiawan. Tibia Bone Properties at Different Time Course of Ovariectomized Rats. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders.2014, 13:91.
  20. Z. Noor, N. Kania, R. Leonas, B. Setiawan. The Effects of Chronic Inhalation Combined Cigarette Smoke and Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) of Coal Dust on The OPG/RANKL System in Male Rats. (P106). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 25 Supp 5 November 2014. Page : 586 (IOF Regionals 5th Asia Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, 14-16 November 2014, Chinese Taipei)
  21. B. Setiawan, N. Kania, R. Leonas, Z.Noor. The Effects of Euchema Cottonii on The OPG/RANKL System of Male Rat Fed High-Fat Diet Exposed to Coal Dust (P105). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 25 Supp 5 November 2014. Page : 585 (IOF Regionals 5th Asia Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, 14-16 November 2014, Chinese Taipei)
  22. N. Kania, Z. Noor, I.Z. Akbar, R. Leonas, B. Setiawan. Effects of Acute Coal Dust Exposure on the OPG/RANKL System of Middle-Aged Male Rats (P107). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 25 Supp 5 November 2014. Page : 586 (IOF Regionals 5th Asia Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, 14-16 November 2014, Chinese Taipei)