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Noor, S.B. Sumitro, M.Hidayat, A.H Rahim, A. Sabarudin, T.Umemura : Bone Strength and Atomic Mineral Characters in Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International with other metabolic bone diseases, Vol.22 Suppl 4 september 2011. Page : 572-573. (IOF Australia 2011)
Noor, S.B. Sumitro, M.Hidayat, A.H Rahim, A. Sabarudin, T.Umemura : Bone Strength and Atomic Mineral Characters in Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International with other metabolic bone diseases, Vol.22 Suppl 4 september 2011. Page : 572-573. (IOF Australia 2011)